Our olive oil biscottini are obtained from the artisan processing of excellent-quality ingredients including flour, sugar and extra virgin olive oil. We make sure that our ingredients are always fresh and come from the best farms. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is sourced exclusively from Italian olive groves of excellent quality to ensure the best possible taste. When the biscotto has obtained the shape of a leaf it is ready to be baked. Once cooled, the biscottini can be packaged in sealed, food-grade bags and then placed in decorated cardboard boxes. Olive oil is used as a substitute for butter, giving these biscotti an enhanced fragrance and lighter texture compared to their traditional cousins.
Componente |
U.M. |
In 100 g |
Energia |
Kcal |
423 |
Kjoule |
1780 |
Grassi |
g |
10,6 |
di cui acidi grassi saturi |
6,9 |
Carboidrati |
g |
73,9 |
di cui zuccheri |
g |
27,6 |
Proteine |
g |
7,9 |
Sale |
g |
Ingredienti: Farina di grano tenero “0”, Zucchero, Vino liquoroso, Olio extravergine di oliva 12%, Agente lievitante (Difosfato disodico, carbonato acido di sodio, amido di frumento, antiagglomerante: carbonato di calcio). Può contenere tracce di soia, mandorle, pistacchi, nocciole, noci, latte, uova.
Allergeni scritti in grassetto